Why choose Kingsway?
7 good reasons ‘why’ Kingsway Compounding is a world leader in pharmaceutical compounding
There are many reasons why you should trust Kingsway Compounding with your health, however, here are 7 good reasons ‘why’ Kingsway Compounding is a world leader in pharmaceutical compounding and why you should choose Kingsway Compounding for your personalised medicine needs.

ISO9001 Certified Compounder
ISO 9001 for Quality Management Systems is the most internationally recognised business management Standard. The ISO 9001 Standard outlines a set of generic requirements that are best practice for the management of organisations. This is a landmark for the compounding industry in Australia that changes the current landscape, as we become the only ISO9001 Certified Compounder in Australia.
This certification means that we are now recognised globally for the quality standards we keep in the provision of customised, tailor-made medicines. We have always put quality at the front of everything that we do at Kingsway Compounding and this certification is simply further recognition of the standards we have set.

State-Of-The-Art Facilities
Kingsway Compounding is a World Class purpose built State-Of-The-Art clean room facility. Our dedicated Compounding Pharmacy accommodates multiple clean rooms, catering for Bio- Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), personalised Nutritional Compounds, and Sterile Aseptic compounds. Our Clean room is built to the highest specification with a Class C (ISO 7) rating together with a Class A (ISO 5) sterile work area. Our technology enables us to constantly monitor our clean rooms for the optimum temperature, pressure and humidity.
According to the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding “Both temperature and humidity profoundly affect the potency, identity and stability of many drugs and supplements”.
Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PHD, RPh
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding
July/August 2010 Edition

Quality Assurance
As both leaders and innovators in pharmaceutical compounding, our customers expect only the highest standards of quality and consistency. Kingsway Compounding source only the highest grade ingredients from both National and International approved manufacturers and suppliers that adhere to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. Our internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) ensure all our customers receive high quality, personalised, and consistent compounded medicines and preparations.

Kingsway Compounding employs a team of experienced compounding Pharmacists and compounding technicians giving one of the largest and most experienced teams in Australia. Kingsway Compounding is internationally recognised as a leader in Pharmaceutical Compounding, this unique position and experience gives our customers complete confidence and trust in Kingsway Compounding.

Highly Skilled & Qualified Personnel
Kingsway personnel are highly qualified; all our personnel are PCCA (Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia) Qualified and undergo continuous training and further qualification as part of our culture of Continuous Improvement. These Skill sets enable us to provide unparalleled expert knowledge to our practitioners and customers.

Personalised Solutions
Thousands of Australians are helped by Kingsway Compounding every year as we partner with your practitioner to deliver innovative treatment options through tailor made medicines specific to your healthcare needs. Our Pharmacists, Nutritionists and compounding technicians all collaborate to find the optimum solution to our patients’ needs.

Kingsway are proud sponsors and supporters of both ACNEM (Australasian College for Nutritional & Environmental Medicine) www.acnem.org, and the MINDD (Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic, Digestive, Development) Foundation, www.mindd.org.
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Leading the way in compounding in Australia for over 23 years